In 12 days, two “big” events are insya Allah simultaneously happening. One excites me because it will be a new experience for me (snowboarding! yay), while another is an inevitable event for someone who has made friends with fellow students in a foreign country: goodbye.
It is a good thing that they are parting because they have graduated, but still, it hurts. I think it is a tricky game, such that if one gets too absorbed in one emotion… it’s over. Maybe the key is to not lose empathy and to stay in moderation, for both parties. But still, it will hurt, no? Maybe it depends on what we are holding on to.
I think it will sting, and they will leave an empty spot after all the meals, trips, and laughs. But, eventually, we’d get used to it by building the new structure around the existing things, just like how it has always been. Right? I hope so.